Page 5 - GC-Mar-Apr-24-final
P. 5

German Leckerbissen – Part 14                                                                                        The German Citizen • March - April 2024 • 5

       By Daniel Schwarz                                                                         Feuerlay” late harvest semi-dry, Au‐  � Did U Know? – In Germany
              ne of the closest words                                                            gust Peril winery); Mosel (2021 –  rental apartments are not typically
              to tidbit in German is                                                             Reiling “Brauneberger Juffer-Son‐  furnished with a working kitchen.
       OLeckerbissen.      Literally                                                             nenuhr” Spatlese semi-dry, Weingut  What, no kitchen sink! That’s right.
     Leckerbissen means tasty morsels or                                                         Dr. Leimbrock); Nahe (2022 – Reis‐  It’s the responsibility of the prospec‐
     bits. The following may include                                                             ling “Schlossböckelheimer In den  tive tenant to provide their own
     some tidbits of German culture,                                                             Felsen” dry, Hexamer Winery);  kitchen appliances and even the
     foods/drinks, traditions, history,                                                          Pfalz (2021 – Reisling “Rupperts‐  cabinets. Yes, bring or buy a refrig‐
     language, and current events.                                                               berg  Reitergfad”  Spätlese  dry,  erator, stove, wall hung cabinets,
       • Die Mainzelmännchen – Since                                                             Weingut Dr. Josef Köhr); Rheingau  and yes, the kitchen sink. All the re‐
     1963 six small comedic cartoon                                                              (2021 – Reisling “Kirchenstück Im  quired  hookups  (electric,  gas,
     characters have been seen on Ger‐                                                           Stein VDP. Grosses Gewächs” dry,  plumbing) are there for a function‐
     man public broadcast TV station                                                             Domdechant        Wernersches  ing kitchen. If the timing works, it is
     ZDF. Their name is a compound                                                               Weingut); Rheinhessen (2022 –  sometimes possible for the previous
     word for the city Mainz being the                                                           Scheurebe dry, Stenner winery);  tenant to sell to the new tenant their
     headquarters of the ZDF station,  factory and are ready for pickup by  list goes on with Müller-Thurgau,  Saale-Unstrut (2022 – Pinot Blanc  kitchen which is called Ablöse,
     and  folklore  gnomes   called  the customer. For more information  Silvaner, and many more.  “Neuenburg Castle Area” dry, Frey‐  meaning handing over. However,
     Heinzelmännchen.    Männchen  and  details  refer  to‐  The German Wine Institute   burg-Unstrut  Winegrowers’  As‐  there are some rentals that are ad‐
     means small men in German. They                  (DWI) organizes each year a group  soc.); Sachsen (2023 – Schieler  vertised that come with a kitchen,
     look like garden gnomes, except  � VAT in the EU – All 27 Euro‐  of sommeliers and wine profes‐  “The Pink Shoe” dry, Wine family  and they are called EBK which
     they don’t have beards, and look  pean countries in the European  sionals to sample and select a wine  Schuh); and Württemberg (2022 –  stands for Einbauküche, meaning
     younger. Their names are Anton;  Union (EU) have set a minimum  from each region as the most rep‐  Lemberger “Hebsacker Lichtenberg  built-in kitchen. As Judge Judy on
     Berti;  Conni;  Det;  Edi;  and  standard 15% Value Added Tax  resentative and highest quality.  VDP. Erste Lage” dry, Jürgen Ell‐  TV would say, “if you move out, but
     Fritchen, yes alphabetical. They ap‐  (VAT) for goods and services, with  Over 170 wineries submit their  wanger winery).  your toothbrush and your kitchen is
     pear for only about 3 to 5 seconds  some tax exceptions. Germany has  wines for this prestigious opportu‐                 still there, you owe the rent!”
     between the ads as the mascot of the  set their standard VAT rate at 19%,  nity. After the 13 wines are selected
     station and perform a single short  and a reduced rate at 7% for specific  for 2023, each wine vinard is noti‐
     silly gag. Because of the short time  items. 19% is within the 15 to 27%  fied to ship cases of the wine se‐
     frame, they don’t speak much, and  standard range that these countries  lected to the Firma (company)
     present their gags in pantomime.  have set. A portion of the VAT may  “SommBox/ALPHA Beratung und
     They do have a traditional greeting  be refunded for merchandise that is  Beteiligungs GmbH” in cologne
     in dialect “Gud’n Aamd” (Guten  exported by a customer/visitor  that will produce the box, decant‐
     Abend, means good evening). Be‐  whose residence is outside of the  ing it from the standard 0.75 litter
     cause of their long popularity, the  EU. However, the formula to calcu‐  bottles into the 0.1 litter miniature
     German postal system issued a se‐  late this percentage of the VAT re‐  sample bottles, and have them
     ries of three postage stamps in 2023  imbursement is complicated. Also,  ready for distribution by February
     to honor their 60 year on TV. They  there  are  minimum  purchase  2024. There will be over 4,000
     are semi-postal stamps where the  amount requirements and even  wine specialists awaiting these
     extra cost of each stamp is for char‐  time limits for requesting eligible  boxes.
     ity for children. The stamp costs are  VAT reimbursement. For tourists  The 2023 wines selected from
     85+40; 100+45; and 160+55 cents.  this refund can be obtained at a de‐  the 13 regions (in bold) and their
     Besides TV, they have become pop‐  parting airport leaving the EU but  producers in alphabetical order
     ular with children’s books and other  requires a receipt for the VAT  are: Ahr (2022 – Pinot Noir Blanc
     merchandise.                  item(s), a tax-free refund form, cus‐  de Noir dry, Sonnenberg Winery);
       � Autostadt Wolfsburg– The  toms stamp at the airport, along  Baden (2020 – Pinot Noir “Ball‐
     city of Wolfsburg, Germany is in the  with your passport and boarding  rechten Dottingen Castellberg”
     northern state of Lower Saxony, and  pass. In German the VAT is called  dry,  Kiefer-Seufert  winery);
     is the headquarters for Volkswagen  Mehrwertsteuer. It is not easy for  Franken (2022 – Hergolshäuser
     production, delivery, and has an  first timers to manage the process  Silvaner dry, Uwe Gessner win‐
     amazing automobile-themed park  but can save money, especially on  ery); Hessische Bergstrasse (2022
     for car enthusiasts. Autostadt is Ger‐  high cost items.     – Heppenheimer Red Riesling
     man for Automobile city, and fea‐  � Germany Wine Box – Ger‐  “Terra Starkenburg”, Bergstrasser
     tures a campus that includes a car  many is known for its winemaking,  Winzer eG); Mittelrhein (2022 –
     museum, and pavilions of the prin‐  and with over 130 varieties of grapes  Reisling  “Bopparder  Hamm
     cipal car brands in the Volkswagen  the list of wines produced is lengthy.
     group. These pavilions include  Germany has 13 wine growing re‐
     Porsche, Bentley/Bugatti, Skoda,  gions called Anbougebiete, and each
     Lamborghini, Audi, and Seat. The  has their specialties based on the
     Autostadt attracts about 2 million  grape varieties, soil conditions, and
     visitors annually. There are guided  climate. Reisling wines from sweet
     tours, and even hands-on-driving  to dry types are perhaps the leading
     experiences. On the campus there  wines typically associated with Ger‐
     are two landmark 200 ft tall glass  many. Next may be Pinot Noir, that
     silo buildings (AutoTürme) that  is locally known as Spätburgunder.
     store completed Volkswagen cars.  Also popular is Pinot Gris called lo‐
     They are huge car vending machine  cally Grauburgunder, and Pinot
     type buildings that receive these  Blanc being Weissburgunder. The
     VW cars produced at the adjacent
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